Transform your life in 90 days!

 Do you feel heartbroken, lost, or like something is missing in your life?

How about step-by-step help to heal your broken heart, so you can be happy again!

For just $995 $595

Are you in emotional pain and looking for a way out? The 90-Day Heal Your Heart Challenge will help you find the healing and peace you're looking for. 

The next 90-Day Heal Your Heart Challenge 
Starts on Jan 12th

Registration for October groups ends January 12th at 6 PST

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Upcoming Group Start Dates:

Jan 12th Start
 - Calls Wednesday 7-9pm Pacific Time 

Enroll Today For A One-Time Discounted Payment of only $500 
(Save $100 NOW)
Or 3 payments of $199 a month

Why Do You Need Support?

It's different for everyone.

For some of you, you've been through a major loss like death, divorce, pet loss or childhood trauma.

For others, you don't want to get out of bed in the morning, feel hopeless or can't stop binging on food, TV and alcohol.

And others, are having problems in their romantic relationships, want to be better parents or hate their jobs. 

Even if you didn’t go through an obvious loss in the last couple of years, that doesn’t mean that the Grief Recovery Method won’t dramatically improve your life!

Let me ask you a question, have you ever taken an honest look at your history to see what experiences might be holding you back? No matter what your age, think about your childhood, high school or any time in the past. 

Whether you are heartbroken because of a major loss or a lifetime of painful experiences, one thing is for sure...

Regardless of the cause, you know how you feel and it probably isn’t good.

You wouldn't be here if you didn't want more joy and freedom in your life!

We’ve been there too and can help you find happiness again.

*This is not group therapy. Although there are educational components on a group level, you'll only be sharing with one trusted person

  • ​​Learn how to honor your loved one and still have a happy, joyous life
  • Understand why pain and sadness doesn't have to be your new normal
  • ​Overcome feelings of guilt, shame and regret
  • ​Learn how to let go of painful memories and emotions to make room for happy and joyous ones
  • ​Discover the freedom of knowing that you don't have to live a life sentence of pain
  • ​Become the person you are meant to be without being held back by the trauma and grief of your past
  • ​Regain your lost quality of life
What recovery means

People join our 90-Day Heal Your Heart Challenge for many reasons. 
Which of these apply to you?

  • Have you experienced a major loss like death or divorce?
  • ​Have you ever gone through a breakup and noticed you’re a little less trusting in your next relationship?
  • ​ Are you afraid to get in a relationship at all? 
  • ​Have you ever ended a friendship, moved or changed schools or jobs? 
  • ​Were your parents all you needed or wanted as a child? 
  • ​Do you drink too much?
  • ​Do you struggle with food?
  • Are you sad because you can’t find a relationship?
  • ​Do you fight constantly with your partner and don’t know why?
  • ​Have you ever been disappointed about not getting into a particular college or getting your dream job? 
  • ​Do you have a relative that died years ago that you wish you had spent more time with?
  • ​Do you have an addiction that made you not show up for people the way you wanted?
  • Do you regret not being there for family members where you were younger?
  • ​Do you wish you told someone that you loved them? 
  • ​Do you feel all alone?
  • ​Have you ever felt helpless after a painful experience?
  • ​Are you sad that you didn’t have children or that you let your dream girl go?
  • ​Did you avoid someone you cared about because they were sick and you didn’t know what to say?
  • ​Have you given up on a dream or goal?
  • ​Do you regret not taking advantage of an opportunity that is now long gone?
  • ​Have you lost enthusiasm for life?
  • ​Have you tried everything else and nothing has worked?

Here's How It Works

Our 90-Day Heal Your Heart Challenge provides a safe environment for you to look at your old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected your life, and take actions that will lead you to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain. It’s an action-based group that involves reading and writing assignments outlined in The Grief Recovery Handbook – 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition. These groups are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute. Instructors come from all walks of life and professional backgrounds, but have on thing in common: they've all done their grief work. We are a company of grievers that help other grievers and would never ask you to do something we haven't done ourselves. 
The heartache of losing a child
Overcoming a painful divorce
Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most of the information we’ve learned about dealing with loss is intellectual. Although our Grief Support Groups involve some educational elements, effective Grief Recovery must deal with your broken heart, which requires emotional support instead of intellectual explanations.

Each participant commits to total honestly, no judgment, criticisms or analysis. This allows a safe space for everyone. We don't compare one loss to another either.
We aren’t going to tell you, “We know how you feel,” because we don’t. Neither does anyone else. What we will do is provide a safe environment where you will be given specific tools to help you recover from loss and ultimately lead a happier life.

Healing after the death of a parent
The Grief Recovery Method is a scientifically tested Evidence Based Program that provides grievers with a tried and true method that has been continuously refined and used time and time again over the last 40+ years, across multiple countries, and in multiple languages, to help them heal from loss(es)

Your Cost is only $595 and here's what you get

  • Membership to our 90-Day Heal Your Heart Support Group
  • ​The only evidence based, step-by-step program for grief and loss in the world   
  • A free copy of The Grief Recovery Handbook
  • ​Course materials to guide your through the program
  • ​Future discount on other Grief Recovery Programs 

Ready to Heal Your Heart?

How do I know it will work for me?

  •  This powerful method has been tested for over 40 years
  • ​Over a million people have used our method and it has worked for them
  • ​We are the ONLY Grief Recovery system that has been proven to be Evidence Based thanks to research at Kent State
  • Our 90-Day Grief Support Group is proven to work for anyone that is willing to show up and take action, so there’s no reason it won’t work for you too!

What makes us different?

Our team of Grief Recovery Experts are dedicated to helping the world recover from tragic loss and overcome grief. This isn't a regular support group. Traditional support groups are usually on-going, which only keeps you stuck in your pain. The 90-Day Challenge has an end and specific, proven directions for you to follow to heal your heart.

NOT Group Therapy

Traditional support groups encourage grievers to talk about their pain, but don’t always offer a path to recovery. You will be guided step-by-step to take actions that are proven to heal your heart. 

Straight From the Heart

Grief is a normal and natural emotional reaction to loss, but most of the solutions people are taught are intellectual. You’ll be guided from your head to your heart, which will improve the quality of your life. 

Loss is our Only Topic

If you’re like most people you relate grief to death, but here are over 40 types of loss people can experience in their lifetime! We focus on helping you with any loss, and don't muddy it down by getting involved with other topics. We do one thing well and that's help people with broken hearts.

There are over 40 life events that cause grief

Childhood Trauma
Financial Changes
Health problems
Crushed Dreams
Career Changes
Empty Nest

Don't know exactly what's wrong but feel off? That’s okay too! A lot of people have come to us for other reasons...

Don’t want to get out of bed in the morning
Binge on food, alcohol, drugs, video games, TV, gambling or shopping
Feel unmotivated, hopeless or numb 
Regret something from their past
Feel like they are missing something
Are always fighting with their spouse
Feel like they are not being the parents they could be
Hate their job
Are having a hard time during COVID lockdowns

All losses are valid! You will get the support and tools you need no matter why you join us. 

Who are we anyway?

40 Years and Counting

We have been refining our method for over 40 years. At last count, we have helped over 1 million grieving people between our books, phone support and all of the lives that our Grief Recovery Specialists have touched.

Grief + Recovery

No one used the words grief and recovery together until we did. The only people authorized to use the phrase are Grief Recovery Specialists who attended Grief Recovery Certification Training.
Losing your mom or dad
Gaining your life back after your spouse dies
Healing a relationship with a living person

The 90-Day Heal Your Heart Challenge will give you more than you could ever imagine, but it’s up to you to take the first step today. It’s never too soon (or too late) to regain a sense of purpose and joy in your life. Don’t wait, you deserve support, relief and freedom from your pain! Time alone won't heal your broken heart!